Very high sun protection SPF 50+ - Heat Shock Proteins
Melablock HSP® 50+ with 4-in-1 sun protection (physical / chemical sunscreens + erythema protection + antioxidant + HSP activation).
Daily protection especially designed for use after peeling, laser, pulsed light or demabrasion treatment. Powerful antioxidant effect and protection against erythema.
Activation of the natural synthesis of Heat Shock Proteins (HSP), which defend the skin against protein destruction and thermal cell lysis that occur, for example, after a temperature increase of only a few degrees. Sunscreen with micronized titanium dioxide combined with a mixture of stable chemical sunscreens. Protection against more than 98% of UVA and UVB rays. Daily protection especially designed for use after peeling, laser, pulsed light or demabrasion treatment.
Protection UVA, UVB, IR et lumière bleue
Protection contre le vieillissement thermique – Inducteur de Protéines de choc thermique (HSP)
Propriétés apaisantes et anti-rougeurs ciblant tous les principaux médiateurs inflammatoires
Appliquer toutes les 3 heures et/ou 30 minutes avant l'exposition au soleil.