100 ml

Pre-peeling preparation

Fillmed Pre Peel is formulated to balance the pH of the skin prior to peeling procedures. For professional use only, the 100ml bottle contains a degreasing formula that will lower the skin's pH to 4.

By removing all signs of grease, impurities and make-up, using a cotton swab, the pores are then ready to absorb the active ingredients of the peeling procedures.

The skin is perfectly cleansed and the penetration of the peeling ingredients is very effective afterwards. The skin is balanced at an optimal pH level suitable for the peeling procedures to be performed.

Actif : Gluconolactone : prépare la peau et homogénéise le pH cutané

Appliquer PRE PEEL uniformément sur la zone à traiter à l’aide d’un coton ou d’une compresse.

5 Items

Data sheet

€30.00 TTC

€25.00 HT

Date de péremption du lot :

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